As of 1 October, the National Guard will be getting tuition assistance, just like the Active Duty Army gets now.
I would like to know your thoughts. I've heard some pretty radical gut reactions. I'll share my opnions later. But I would really like to know what the general public thinks of this change.
Hey Sara, could you go into more detail of what you mean with tuition assistance? They already get the G.I. Bill? Or is that only if they've had a tour and were active at one point?
I honesty don't know about the GI Bill. I'm asking someone though. Tuition Assistance is extra money to go to school. An AD Soldier currently gets $4500 a fiscal year to take college classes if they choose while they are in the military. The National Guard will get TA soon too. However, I'm assuming it's also $4500, as I haven't been told anything differently.
my opinion is that those who don't serve full-time aren't entitled to all of the same benefits as those who do serve full-time. It's the same in the civilian world. I don't qualify for health bene's until I work a certain number of hours. Those who work full time have earned more than those who don't.
My husband is National Guard, and though his drill weekends and long ATs might not technically be "full time", it sure seemed full time when he was deployed to a war zone just like every active soldier. I think any soldier deserves any benefit available, as does their family. A soldier's worth is not determined by how many hours they put in a week- if they risk their lives, they deserve it.
As far as I know, National Guard is already eligible for Tuition Assistance... My boyfriend has been getting it since 2009, along with GI bill. Opinion-wise, I think everyone should have the same opportunity to further their career, no matter how many "hours" they work.
My name is Sara and I'm 28 years old. My hubby's name is Joe. He's a SGT in the U.S. Army. We are both originally from Arkansas. I have a yorkie named Rigel. He's 5 years old. He's named after a star in the Orion constellation. We don't have any kids yet, so he's my little ball of love. I just adore him! I have a psychology BA from the University of Arkansas and just graduated with a Master of Arts in psychology. Oh, and I lived in Kansas for two years and never saw a tornado. LOL!!
A little bit more about my Army wife experience...
From many of the other Army wives I've met, I'd like to say that I'm not your typical Army wife. I see a world outside of my husband's career, and some wives I know just dont agree. I might have different views, but isn't that was makes the world go round? I'm very lucky that my husband knows my education and career are very important to me. I will follow him to the ends of the Earth, but who's to say I cant rule the world while I'm at it? So I might say some stuff that isnt normal for an "Army wife" to say, but its not to offend or anger, it's just my view from right here and right now.
The label "Army wife" has a few very specific connotations to it. Hasty generalizations can be made. We all do it, I'm guilty too. But I'd like to say on the record, they're all so completely wrong. I hope to show that with this blog. The label it's self bothers me. Are we all cookie cutter images of each other? Of course not. We're all individuals. So yes, I am an Army wife, but only because the man I love is an Army soldier. It doesnt define me or make me who I am.
I'm very proud of my husband and everything he stands for. But the Army isnt what I thought it would be. And I hope to explain that statement with this blog.
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Hey Sara, could you go into more detail of what you mean with tuition assistance? They already get the G.I. Bill? Or is that only if they've had a tour and were active at one point?
I honesty don't know about the GI Bill. I'm asking someone though. Tuition Assistance is extra money to go to school. An AD Soldier currently gets $4500 a fiscal year to take college classes if they choose while they are in the military. The National Guard will get TA soon too. However, I'm assuming it's also $4500, as I haven't been told anything differently.
my opinion is that those who don't serve full-time aren't entitled to all of the same benefits as those who do serve full-time. It's the same in the civilian world. I don't qualify for health bene's until I work a certain number of hours. Those who work full time have earned more than those who don't.
I'm pretty offended at your comment.
My husband is National Guard, and though his drill weekends and long ATs might not technically be "full time", it sure seemed full time when he was deployed to a war zone just like every active soldier. I think any soldier deserves any benefit available, as does their family. A soldier's worth is not determined by how many hours they put in a week- if they risk their lives, they deserve it.
As far as I know, National Guard is already eligible for Tuition Assistance... My boyfriend has been getting it since 2009, along with GI bill. Opinion-wise, I think everyone should have the same opportunity to further their career, no matter how many "hours" they work.
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