Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Week 13

Day 92

FYI, fighting online from Iraq isn't easy or fun. Hopefully we have found a solution to that issue now and it wont be a problem anymore (yeah right, but I can dream, cant I). Question of the day: What do you and your significant other fight about the most? Housework? Money? Kids? Gaming? The Military? Does that thing change when they are deployed?

And tomorrow is a VERY GOOD countdown milestone!! Can anyone guess what it is?? There will be another blog for it tomorrow, because as we all know, I am obsessed with countdowns!

Less than a month from my family coming to visit me. I have to come up with a week's worth of stuff for us to do. Garden of the Gods is on the list. As is a trip up Pike's Peak (if it isn't closed because of wind and snow). And I have heard that there are a few vineyards around here, I need to look them up. And I want to go to Manitou Springs. And many delicious dinners! My parents aren't really "go out to eat people" so I have to plan some dinners at home too. Thank goodness we have a grill, I can always go with the ol' faithful grilled steak and chicken.

Less than a month from our 3rd Anniversary. Joe has already warned me that I wont be getting anything from him. Honestly, a phone call would be enough for me.

My two weeks of full time at work is over. Kinda sad. I'm not going to miss getting up at the crack of dawn, but I learned a lot and really like the ladies I work with. We were talking about getting together and doing something. I hope they still think of me as a friend even though I'm not there everyday. I really hope I can start full time there soon! Nothing has been said for sure, but it would be very nice.

And I have become the POC for the HQ platoon. Never been a POC before. Dont really know what to expect just yet. But I know that I am always open to listening to another spouse and helping them through this ridiculously stupid deployment.

9 comments: said...

neat blog and i hope you make it through!!

The LT's Wifey said...

New to your blog-- I am also a new POC! Here is to hoping we get this figured out! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there - I just found your blog too! Loves it! I'm very new to this Army stuff too and there is so much to learn! haha Stop by my blog and visit sometime! :)

Kayla said...

BF and I fight about "relationship" things. Like I tend to be a jealous person and let my emotions get away with me when we fight (and ironically he's the only person in the world that does that to me). He tends to shut me out when things aren't going well for him and take his day out on me. We both have come to realize over this deployment that you can't allow things like that to go unnoticed. You have to sit down and say, hey these things are bothering me, in a mature way. Or else you're sunk. I hope it works out w you!

Samantha said...

Kev and I did fight while he wa deployed. It sucked. But it was unavoidable. We fought about silly things and we fought about big things. I blogged about it. Mainly we fought about the fact that he called so/TOO much. It really got to the point where life couldn't go on with any sense of normalcy. Don't judge..... haa You can go to my bloggy for more details. But that was a major issue while he was gone.

Hey, Seven Falls is a good time for out-of-towners. But you gotta go at night. Bring a camera. If your fam is into Mexican Food you should take them to The Loop in Manitou. It's great! =)

Anonymous said...

Money. That and "immediate" vs "long-term." I like to save money for long-term... he likes immediate satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

Oh... and your milestone. Is it halfway to your R&R?

Sara said...

I dont know if it's halfway to R&R, but Joe's R&R is coming up in the next couple of months. I dont have any exact dates yet, just a rather large window. But it is 1/4 of the way through this deployment!!

Anonymous said...

Well, if you only have a few more months left, then you are MORE than halfway to R&R! Yay!!!