Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!!

Happy 4th of July! Happy Independence Day!! My hubby and I decided that this was our favorite holiday. The others are fine. But for some reason, today means a lot to both of us. If you ask Joe, he'll tell you it's because he gets a 4 day weekend and is allowed to blow things up in his very own back yard. But I can tell there's more. Someone thanked him on the street yesterday for being a "soldier of this country." This doesnt happen a lot, at least not infront of me. My husband shook this older gentleman's hand and thanked him back as he had some pins on his baseball cap that meant something to my husband. It really got to me. So I'm going to keep that memory with me today as I watch my husband and his soldier friends set fire to explosives and drink themselves silly. They deserve the time off, because you can play hard when you're expected to work as hard as they do.

Have a SAFE and FUN holiday!!

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