I was recently contacted by Chili's to offer my blog readers this AWESOME giveaway! Its to spread the word about Chili's Shout Out To Eat Out Take 2 Get 2 promotion. I personally LOVE Chili's! As does my husband. Joe could eat his weight in their ribs, and that is no joke! Chili's was the first place we ate at when Joe was home on R&R. And their sunrise margaritas!! Oh yum!! Yes, I took it's picture..... isnt it pretty? I could have my weight in THESE!!

So now on to....
The giveaway starts right now and will go until Wednesday January 30th, 2011 @ 11:59pm Eastern time.
To enter, just leave a comment on this blog answering the question: If you won, who would you take to Chili’s with you? (This gets you 1 entry)
For additional entries-
* Follow me on Twitter @sara0120 (1 entry)
* Tweet about the giveaway (mentioning @shoutout2eatout and @sara0120) (1 entry)
"Check out the Chili's $20 Gift Card Giveaway on @sara0120's blog! @shoutout2eatout"
*Follow this blog (1 entry)
* Blog about the giveaway (1 entry) Be sure to leave me your blog post link in a comment.
* Tweet about the giveaway (1 entry per tweet, be sure to leave a comment EVERY time you tweet so they are all counted.)
One winner will be selected using Random.org. The winner will be announced January 31st.
And in full disclosure, I was given 2 gift cards of $20 each from Chili’s - one for me and one to giveaway. Thanks Chili's!!!!

Follow on Twitter @mysweepslink
I would take my daughter to chili's if I won.
Follow on GFC
I would take my husband and the kids too frankly. It is a good family restaurant.
Also I dont need extra incentive since I already follow you on twitter @jmckeever
I would take my roommate for her birthday, and also she needs a break from full-time vet school and working full-time. It would be such a good treat!
I already follow you on twitter hehe @ktaytee
Tweeted about the giveaway
We don't have a huge selection of restaurants around here, so we go to Chili's all too often haha. I would bring my husband, since he comes home on R&R soon!
I'd take hubby and kids.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
I would take my boyfriend! tracietrump@yahoo.com
gfc follower! tracietrump@yahoo.com
I would take my husband.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I'd take my boyfriend! Thanks for the giveaway chance!
I would take my bestie if I won :)
Mmmm.....margarita's! I would love to take my husband to dinner after a long day of EOD training! www.fallonella.blogspot.com
I'm a follower!!
if i win i'd take my husband. He works so hard for our family. Who would have thought they'd have a chili's in japan.
I would take either my husband, or my friend Susie. We usually go out to eat weekly, and take turns treating.
I would take my darling hubby with me!
I am a gFC follower
sent you friend request@meeyeehere
I would take my husband and my daughter! Well, maybe my daughter :)
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
My husband loves Chilli's too - so I would definitely have to wait till he got home so I could take him!
Following you on Twitter
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
link: http://twitter.com/asthepotter/status/28599814857953280
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
I also follow your blog!
Following you via GFC (Ten Talents)
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
I would take my hubby on a date!
I sent a follow request on twitter as kdolphins7
Hi! thanks for the giveaway! I would take one of my friends
shopgurl101 at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter @shopgurl
tweeted http://twitter.com/shopgurl/status/30137816537104384
gfc follower
blogged: http://sweetqt.wordpress.com/2011/01/26/chilis-welcome-to-the-blog-of-an-army-wife/
daily tweet http://twitter.com/shopgurl/status/30731394636320769
daily tweet http://twitter.com/shopgurl/status/31110911083159552
DATE NIGHT!! I would definitely take the hubs with me for a night out!
Aly at infertilityoverachievers dot com
I am now following you blog!
Aly at infertilityoverachievers dot com
I am now following you on twitter!
Aly at infertilityoverachievers dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/#!/shopgurl/status/31514939139031040
If I won, I would take my wife and 3 kids with me!
I sent a follwo request on Twitter
I'd take Chris with me! He loves Chili's :)
And I follow you on Twitter
And I follow your blog :)
I'd take my husband--Chili's is one of our favorite chain restaurants!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter! @FakeGradSchool
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
I tweeted!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
I blogged!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/#!/shopgurl/status/31911358324809728
Thanks for all of the entries!! I will post a blog today with the winner!
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