One lucky reader will receive a shirt of their choice and a $25 gift certificate to the Brave Tango shop!!
The giveaway starts right now and will go until Friday, August 12th, 2011 @ 11:59pm Eastern time.
* JOIN the Bravo Tango mailing list, here's the LINK. Leave a comment HERE saying you joined their mailing list. (1 entry)
For additional entries:
*"Like" the Facebook Page, here's the LINK. Leave a comment HERE saying you did. (1 entry)
* Follow me on Twitter @sara0120, leave a comment HERE saying you did (1 entry)

* Tweet about the giveaway (mentioning @sara0120 AND @BraveTangoTees), make sure you post a comment with the tweet URL in a comment on THIS blog post (1 entry per day)
* Follow this blog, and of course leave a comment HERE telling me you are. (1 entry)
* Blog about the giveaway (1 entry) Be sure to leave me your blog post link in a comment.
One winner will be selected using Random.org. The winner will be announced July 13th. Good luck!!

I will receive one tee from Bravo Tango Tees in return for hosting this giveaway.

Just liked their Facebook. :)
Also just joined their mailing list! :)
I like their facebook.
I get their newsletter.
I follow your blog.
I tweet with you.
My tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/megandubyuh/status/98883824724881408
I'm on their mailing list!
I like their facebook
I follow your blog (via Google Reader)
And I follow you on Twitter :)
Here is my blog entry: http://megandubyuh.blogspot.com/2011/08/giveaway-over-at-welcome-to-blog-of.html
I joined their mailing list
I, of course, follow you on Twitter!
I'm a blog follower!
I am a follower!
I am on their mailing list!
Found your blog through Megan Dub-Yuh and am now following!
Liked them on Facebook!
Signed up for their newsletter!
Blogged about it here: http://fortliving-room.blogspot.com/2011/08/giveaway-hosted-by-welcome-to-blog-of.html
I just requested to follow you on twitter!
I tweeted about the giveaway
I follow your blog!
Joined their mailing list!
signed up for the news letter!
i follow your blog!
liked them on facebook!
Closed now. Thanks for all the entries!!
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